The BugBell guide

Everything you need to know about healthy pet nutrition

4 Gründe für getreidefreie/glutenfreie Fütterung von Tieren - BugBell GmbH

4 reasons to feed animals grain-free/gluten-free

Proper nutrition for animals has a huge impact on their health and well-being. In recent years, grain-free feeding has established itself as a healthy alternative to conventional feeding . But...
Functional Food dank Superfoods im Hundefutter

Superfood as functional food for animals - The use of natural foods for a healthier diet

Superfood as functional food for animals - The use of natural foods for a healthier diet Superfoods are not only valuable foods for us humans, but are also a good choice for animals. The use ...
Epilepsie bei Hunden

Epilepsy in dogs - What role does food play?

Dogs can also suffer from epilepsy, which is a neurological disorder that causes unusual sensations, behaviors and seizures. It is one of the most common neurological diseases seen in dogs. In re...
Erkältung bei Hunden

Cold in dogs - is that possible?

Another summer is coming to an end and the last sunny days are coming to an end. Autumn is just around the corner and with it come viruses and bacteria. Just wearing short, airy clothes, it's ti...
Trinkt mein Hund genug?

Lack of thirst: is my dog ​​drinking enough?

You know you're supposed to drink lots of water every day. But what about your dog? You see him drinking, but how much water is he actually drinking? Water is vital and is needed for digestion...
BugTerrine von BugBell– Vielfältigkeit kann so einfach sein!

BugTerrine - Diversity can be so easy!

Our four-legged friends mean a lot to us. They give and love, trust and optimism. They accompany us in several phases of life as well as on a wide variety of landscape excursions. Be it a daily wa...
CO2 Footprint von Hunden

The climate killers: how can insect-based dog food make the world a better place?

Sure, we think our protein dog food alternative is pretty awesome, but we also know that not everyone has ever considered feeding insects to their pets, let alone eating insect protein themselves....
Klischee-Check: Mein Hund braucht doch Fleisch? BugBell zeigt euch, dass euer Hund nicht unbedingt Fleisch braucht.

Cliché check: Does my dog ​​need meat?

Due to people's growing environmental awareness and increased awareness of animal husbandry and sustainability issues, vegetarian, vegan and flexible diets have become increasingly popular. The fa...
Nachhaltige Verpackung Hundefutter

We are recyclable! But what does that mean?

Ensuring sustainability was a mandatory promise when we founded BugBell. Of course, this shouldn’t just refer to the product, but to the entire business model. So we wanted to produce a dog food wi...