The BugBell guide

Everything you need to know about healthy pet nutrition

Probiotika und Präbiotika im Hundefutter

Pro- und Präbiotika im Hundefutter

Inhaltsverzeichnis Die Bedeutung der Darmgesundheit bei Hunden Verständnis von Probiotika für Hunde Auswahl der richtigen Probiotikastämme für deinen Hund Vorteile von Präbi...
Die richtige Fütterung bei Leberstörungen

Proper feeding for liver disorders

The health of our furry companions is important to us. Comprehensive care is crucial, especially if they are struggling with liver disorders. We rely on a holistic approach that includes various...
Durchfall, Kot fresse & Gras fressen

What to do if your dog suffers from severe stomach and intestinal problems?

How to help your dog with diarrhea and vomiting Many dog ​​owners know this: regardless of whether they are a fluffy puppy or a loyal companion in old age - dogs can be affected by digestive pr...
Darmverschluss beim Hund: Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlung - BugBell GmbH

Intestinal obstruction in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

A canine intestinal obstruction can be a serious medical problem that requires immediate attention. In this detailed article, we will explore the various aspects of intestinal obstruction in dogs,...
Marosche Karottensuppe für den Hund bei Verdauungsproblemen

Marosche carrot soup for your dog: healthy well-being on four paws

Have you ever heard of Marosche carrot soup for dogs? In this article we would like to introduce you to all the important information about this healthy and tasty dog ​​food. From the best times to...
Exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz (EPI) beim Hund

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) in dogs

Basic information about the function of the pancreas The pancreas, also known as the pancreas, plays a crucial role in the organism and fulfills two main functions: the endocrine and the exocri...
Der Hund und sein Mikrobiom - Neue Erkenntnisse über Darmbakterien und ihre Bedeutung für das Immunsystem

The intestinal microbiome and its importance for the immune system

Dog owners, beware! Yes, for the 1000th time we're telling you how important healthy intestinal flora is for your four-legged friend. But today I would like to tell you about exciting findings that...
Allergien beginnen im Darm - BugBell GmbH

Allergies start in the intestines

There is some research suggesting that allergies and immune reactions in dogs may be related to the condition of their intestines. The gut plays an important role in the immune system, as much of ...
Der Hund: Ein Blick in seinen Magen- & Darmtrakt - BugBell GmbH

The dog: A look into his stomach and intestinal tract

A dog's gastrointestinal tract is an amazing system that performs a variety of vital tasks. From digesting food to warding off disease, this area plays a crucial role in your four-legged friend's ...