The BugBell guide

Everything you need to know about healthy pet nutrition

Die Schwarze Soldatenfliege: Ein faszinierendes Insekt mit vielfältigem Potenzial - BugBell GmbH

The black soldier fly: A fascinating insect with diverse potential

The world of insects is fascinating and holds many secrets. One of the most notable creatures in this realm is the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). In recent years, this species of fly has at...
Der ungetrübte Ernährungsratgeber – Hinter den Kulissen der Heimtiernahrung - BugBell GmbH

The Unclouded Nutrition Guide - Behind the scenes of pet food

We uncover: What does healthy dog ​​food mean, what is behind the declarations & top secrets of the feed industry Dogs are not only loyal companions, but also an important family member that ...
Kann ich meinen Hund vegan ernähren? - BugBell GmbH

Can I feed my dog ​​vegan?

Vegan dog food: Healthy option for allergy sufferers, kidney failure and an environmentally conscious diet Feed a dog vegan? This may sound surprising to some people, but there are actually good ...
Wie wird korrekt deklariert? - BugBell GmbH

How is it declared correctly?

What does declaration mean? If you want to know what you are feeding your pet, you can't avoid looking at the label. The label contains all the secrets about the product, but they need to be ...
Wissenswertes über Mikronährstoffe - BugBell GmbH

Interesting facts about micronutrients

What are micronutrients? Micronutrients are nutrients that the body needs in small amounts but are essential for maintaining health and well-being. Unlike macronutrients such as carbohydrates...
Makronährstoffe für Hunde: Bedeutung und richtige Zusammensetzung - BugBell GmbH

Macronutrients for dogs: importance and correct composition

Food intake aims to cover energy needs , which depend on various factors such as the animal's age, activity, breed, reproductive status and housing conditions. For example, small dogs require mor...
Der Energielieferant - Proteine - BugBell GmbH

The energy supplier - proteins

A balanced diet for dogs should place a significant focus on proteins, as these nutrients are essential for the animal's well-being. In this blog post we explain the importance of a high protein...
Hundefutter | Gesund | Insekten | Einzelfuttermittel | Mischfuttermittel
Alternative Proteine

Single and compound feed

What are compound feed? Compound feed is feed that is mixed from different ingredients to meet the nutritional needs of animals. These feeds can consist of plant and/or animal components and ...
Hundefutter | Gesund | Insekten | Ergänzungsfuttermittel | Alleinfuttermittel

Supplementary and complete feed as well as the FEDIAF Guideline

What are supplementary feeds? Supplementary feeds are nutritional supplements for animals that are intended to help supplement the animals' diet and meet targeted needs. They are usually pres...