4 Gründe für getreidefreie/glutenfreie Fütterung von Tieren - BugBell GmbH

4 reasons to feed animals grain-free/gluten-free

Proper nutrition for animals has a huge impact on their health and well-being. In recent years, grain-free feeding has established itself as a healthy alternative to conventional feeding .

But be careful: there is a great risk of confusion here. A distinction is made between gluten-free, grain-free and wheat-free.

Gluten is a protein found in various grains, but not all grains. Gluten-free means that this specific protein is not present in the food, but the feed may contain other types of grain, for example rice or corn. Grain-free, on the other hand, means that the food contains no grain at all. Gluten-free does not necessarily mean grain-free, although grain-free is always gluten-free. Grains containing gluten include wheat, barley, spelled and rye. Oats are essentially gluten-free, but may be contaminated with gluten from other grains. So if your pet really can't tolerate gluten, it's best to avoid oats too. 'Wheat-free' means that the food does not contain wheat, but may contain other types of grain and therefore gluten.

Do you still see question marks floating in the air? Short and sweet:

  • Grain-free = contains no grains and therefore no gluten
  • Gluten-free = may contain grains, but none that contain the protein gluten
  • Wheat-free = may contain grains and gluten, but no wheat

We at BugBell have decided to avoid products containing both gluten and grains . Because there are many other sources that provide our dogs with valuable carbohydrates and fiber, such as: Potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, tapioca or Jerusalem artichoke. In this blog post we will examine the benefits of grain-free feeding for animals and explain why it can make sense to avoid grains in animal feed.

Why should your four-legged friend eat a grain-free diet?

Gluten, which is found in grains such as: B. Wheat is present , often indicates intolerance in cats and dogs. Gluten intolerance in dogs and cats can lead to stomach and intestinal diseases , such as chronic diarrhea .

This causes important nutritional values ​​to be excreted , which in turn leads to deficiency symptoms, such as iron deficiency . Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and weight loss .

Avoiding allergic reactions:

Some animals are allergic to grains and react to their consumption with symptoms such as itching, rashes and diarrhea. By using grain-free food, these problems can be avoided.

Better digestion:

Grains often contain gluten, which is difficult for some animals to digest. Grain-free foods instead contain proteins from meat or plant sources, which are easier to digest.

Weight control:

Grains are often high in carbohydrates, which can contribute to animals gaining too much weight. Grain-free food contains fewer carbohydrates and can therefore help animals control their weight better.

Improved Energy:

Animals that are fed grain-free food often have more energy and are more active. This is because they receive more digestible proteins and fats that provide them with energy.

In the previous sections, we examined the benefits of grain-free feeding for animals. It is clear to see that grain-free food can be a healthier alternative to conventional feeding . If you want the best possible nutrition for your pet, consider using grain-free food.

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