The BugBell guide

Everything you need to know about healthy pet nutrition

Was Hund und Mensch zusammenschweißt

Was Hund und Mensch zusammenschweißt

Inhaltsverzeichnis Die Bedeutung der Bindung Grundstein der Sicherheit Zusammen aktiv sein Die kleinen Dinge Lern- und Spielzeit Entspannung fördern Bindungsmythen aufgeklärt Geheimtipp für stär...
Sodbrennen beim Hund

Sodbrennen bei Hunden

Inhaltsverzeichnis Sodbrennen bei Hunden Was ist Sodbrennen? Ursachen von Sodbrennen Symptome erkennen Diagnose von Sodbrennen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten Ernährung bei Sodbrennen Sodbrennen bei Hu...
Vegetarische und Vegane Hundeernährung

Vegetarian and vegan dog nutrition: is that possible?

At a time when human nutrition changes are strongly influenced by environmental awareness and ethical considerations, many dog ​​owners are considering the possibility of f...
Lebererkrankung bei deinem Vierbeiner? Ursachen, Symptome und Tipps zur Vorbeugung

Liver disease in your four-legged friend? Causes, symptoms and tips for prevention

Liver disease and functional impairment in dogs is common but often remains undetected until advanced stages. The liver has an amazing ability to heal itself, meaning that damage can often be repai...
Unsere 10 Goldenen Regeln zur richtigen Fütterung bei einer Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung (Pankreatitis)

Our 10 Golden Rules for Proper Feeding for Inflammation of the Pancreas (Pancreatitis)

It is said that around one in ten dogs will suffer from inflammation of the pancreas during their lifetime. You can find out the reasons for this frequency and possible preventive and acute meas...
Die 10 häufigsten Hundekrankheiten

The 10 most common dog diseases

Diseases in dogs are often age-related , as their average life expectancy has increased significantly. Certain breeds or those with specific characteristics are more prone to certain diseases. It ...
Ist die Fütterung abhängig von der Rasse? - BugBell GmbH

Does feeding depend on the breed?

The tailor-made meal plan: The right diet for dogs of different breeds Dogs, our loyal companions, come in a fascinating variety of breeds that not only differ in appearance, but also in ...
Dalmatiner-Ernährung: Mehr als nur der Puringehalt im Fokus - BugBell GmbH

Dalmatian nutrition: More than just the purine content in focus

The diet of Dalmatians often raises the question of the purine content of the food, a topic that is of particular interest to many owners of this unique dog. Today we would like to broaden our pers...
Trocken- vs. Nassfutter: Die richtige Wahl für die Ernährung Deines Hundes

Dry vs. wet food: The right choice for your dog’s diet

From raw food to dry food: Which diet is best for your dog? Choosing the right food for your dog is an important decision that directly affects their health and well-being. One of the main cons...