Wissenswertes über Mikronährstoffe - BugBell GmbH

Interesting facts about micronutrients

What are micronutrients?

Micronutrients are nutrients that the body needs in small amounts but are essential for maintaining health and well-being. Unlike macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are required in larger amounts, micronutrients are required in smaller amounts but still play an important role in many vital functions in the body. The micronutrients include vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Micronutrients are usually obtained through a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods rich in various vitamins, minerals and trace elements. However, in some cases, supplements may also be necessary to meet micronutrient needs.


In general, minerals are divided into two categories: bulk elements and trace elements. Although nutritionally they are considered a group as different interaction mechanisms occur between them. The amount and form of each mineral consumed in food influences the absorption of the other minerals in the intestines. Therefore, the balance of minerals in the diet is of great importance.

Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium and sulfur are among the bulk elements. They play an important role in building bones, transporting nutrients and maintaining electrolyte balance in the body.

Calcium should be present in an appropriate amount compared to other minerals in feed. Insufficient or excessive calcium intake can lead to various medical conditions. The nutritional importance of calcium lies in bone building (in conjunction with vitamin D3), blood clotting and the transmission of nerve stimuli. Excessive calcium intake can cause serious bone development disorders in large dogs and reduce intestinal absorption of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and probably copper.

Animals' calcium needs vary depending on their stage of life. Young animals, growing animals as well as pregnant and lactating animals have a higher maintenance metabolism requirement compared to adult animals. The minimum calcium content in puppy food is 1g for cats and 0.8-1g per 100g of dry matter (DM) for dogs. Adult cats need 0.59g and adult dogs 0.5g per 100g of food (TM). Phosphorus plays an important role in many metabolic processes in the body, especially in energy metabolism. Phosphorus also plays a crucial role in building bones and teeth.

Trace elements

Trace elements include iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, selenium and others. These elements are only needed in small amounts by animals, but they perform important functions in the body. For example, they are components of enzymes, i.e. compounds that regulate metabolism.


Vitamins are organic compounds that the body either cannot produce itself or can only produce in insufficient quantities. Therefore, they are among the essential nutrients. Vitamins play an important role in the exercise and maintenance of metabolic processes. It is interesting to note that cats and dogs can meet their vitamin C needs through the body's own production in the liver and therefore do not rely on dietary intake of vitamin C.

How do we approach this with BugBell?

We know how important nutrition is to the health and well-being of dogs, which is why we attach great importance to a balanced and nutritious composition when producing our products.

Our focus is to produce future-oriented pet food. Therefore, for us, the use of vitamin-rich products is out of the question with regard to sustainability and resource-saving use. Our dog food contains many vitamins and minerals from animal sources "insects" to plant sources such as broad beans, sunflower, hemp seeds or potatoes. We only use natural and healthy ingredients that are free of artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

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