Zittern beim Hund - BugBell GmbH

Trembling in dogs

Tremors, also known as tremors, in dogs can be due to various triggers. The most common causes include emotional tension, including joy, excitement, fear, or feeling cold. In addition, there are also clear differences in the tendency to tremble depending on the dog breed.

We present a clear overview of these and other causes to explain which situations are safe and when it is advisable to see a veterinarian.

Why do dogs tremble?

There are various reasons why dogs may shake, and it is important to identify the exact reason for the shaking. Here are some possible causes:

  1. Cold: Like people, dogs also shiver when they are cold. This may be a normal reaction to warm their body.

  2. Anxiety or Stress: Dogs may tremble when they are anxious or stressed. This can be caused by loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or other external factors.

  3. Pain: When a dog is in pain, whether from an injury, illness, or other health problem, trembling may be a response to the discomfort.

  4. Excitement: Some dogs shake with excitement or joy, especially when they feel excited, such as when they are reunited with their owner.

  5. Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar levels can cause tremors in dogs. This can especially occur in small breeds or puppies.

  6. Epilepsy: Epileptic seizures can cause tremors or convulsions in dogs.

  7. Age-related tremors: Older dogs can suffer from age-related tremors, often referred to as "senile tremors," which can occur similarly to those seen in older people.

If your dog is shaking and you are worried, it is advisable to see a veterinarian to find out the exact cause and, if necessary, initiate treatment.

Why do dogs shake when sleeping?

Dogs can shake while sleeping, and this can be caused by a variety of reasons:

Dream phase: During sleep, dogs go through different sleep phases, including the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase, where dreams occur. During this phase, dogs, similar to humans, may twitch, tremble, or move their legs, indicating an active dreaming phase.

Temperature compensation: In some cases, dogs shiver in their sleep to warm their bodies when they are cold. This can especially occur in puppies or small breeds of dogs who are more sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Nervous system development: In puppies, shaking during sleep may be a normal part of nervous system development. In the early stages of life, the shaking behavior may occur during sleep and may subside over time as the puppy grows older.

In general, mild tremors during sleep are often normal and not a cause for concern as long as the dog is otherwise healthy and shows no other signs of discomfort. However, if the shaking is very severe or accompanied by other symptoms such as seizures, loss of coordination or changes in behavior, it could indicate an underlying health problem and it would be advisable to seek veterinary attention.

Trembling of the legs

After intense physical activity, dogs may experience muscle fatigue, which can lead to leg tremors. Pain or discomfort from an injury, illness, or joint problem can also cause a dog to exhibit tremors in the legs. In some cases, neurological problems, such as epilepsy or other neurological diseases, can cause leg tremors or cramps.

If your dog's leg tremors occur suddenly or very severely, are accompanied by other symptoms, or persist for a long time, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. A veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment depending on the underlying cause of the tremors.

Racial tremors

The phenomenon of “terrier tremors” is well known. Regular tremors are often evident, especially in various types of terriers, especially the Jack Russell and Parson Russell terriers.

These breeds of dogs, originally bred as hunting dogs, appear to be constantly in a state of heightened activity, which can be manifested by this tremor. Although there are various medical approaches, the exact cause of this behavior is not yet fully understood.

However, it is important to note that there is an inherited genetic disease in terriers (and other breeds) called "terrier ataxia and myelopathy" or "degenerative myelopathy." This must be distinguished from the so-called “harmless terrier tremor”. With this disease, dogs show coordination problems and impaired movements. It is a progressive disease that begins with age.

Furthermore, many very small dog breeds tend to shiver in certain situations, primarily due to uncertainty and/or cold.

Tremors caused by illnesses

There are several diseases and health problems that can cause tremors in dogs:

  1. Epilepsy: Epileptic seizures can cause severe tremors or convulsions in dogs. This is a neurological disorder that causes recurrent seizures.

  2. Pain: Pain from injuries, arthritis, spinal problems, or other medical conditions can cause tremors in dogs. The pain causes discomfort and can manifest as tremors.

  3. Neurological problems: Various neurological diseases such as degenerative myelopathy, brain diseases or tumors in the nervous system can cause tremors in dogs.

  4. Poisoning: Poisoning from toxic substances such as chocolate, plants, medications, or chemicals can cause tremors and other symptoms.

  5. Metabolic disorders: Metabolic disorders such as low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), liver disease, or kidney problems can also trigger tremors in dogs.

  6. Infections: Infectious diseases such as rabies, certain bacterial or viral diseases can cause tremors and other symptoms.

It is important to note that tremors alone are not always a clear sign of a specific illness. It can have several causes. If you notice tremors or other unusual symptoms in your dog, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. The veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment for the underlying cause.

How BugBell helps

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  • Ingredients can be used for more Relaxation care for
  •  Medicinal herbs can calming works

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