Chemie gegen Parasiten oder natürliche Produkte

Chemistry or nature? Choosing the right parasite defense for your dog

Parasites and vacation with the dog Reading Chemistry or nature? Choosing the right parasite defense for your dog 9 minutes

The health of our beloved four-legged friends is important to us, and in our efforts to protect them as best as possible, we are often faced with difficult decisions. One of them concerns the choice between chemical and natural parasite defense. Be it protection against ticks, mites and fleas or the care of skin and fur – these are questions that keep us busy.

Recently, however, there has been a development that we should take a closer look at: more and more dog owners are relying on veterinarians and the pharmaceutical industry out of fear of possible diseases transmitted by parasites and out of concern for their own health and that of their family members. The result is often the use of chemical weapons. But in this flood of chemical preparations that are often touted as miracle cures, we easily overlook the fact that there are also arguments against purely chemical parasite defense.

The list of side effects, contraindications and precautionary measures when using chemical antiparasitics admitted by the manufacturers themselves is long. In addition, these preparations cannot offer 100% protection. Some active ingredients even lose their effectiveness due to parasite resistance.

In addition to the obvious effects, there are also hidden risks. Metabolic problems, skin irritations and digestive disorders can occur after repeated use of chemical antiparasitics. Unfortunately, this is often not associated with the preparations. In such cases, we have found in our consulting practice that switching to natural products and defensive measures can provide a basis for the dog's regeneration. Particularly in the case of metabolic disorders such as liver or kidney problems, additional exposure to chemical antiparasitics should be carefully considered.

It's about making the decision to use chemical parasite defense carefully. Fear of the possible consequences of a parasite infestation should not ignore the fact that there are effective natural alternatives. Although these may require a little more effort, they are effective and well tolerated by dogs, people and the environment.

Chemical preparations against parasites

A critical look at the package insert

In addition to their antiparasitic effects, chemical antiparasitic agents always have side effects that should not be trivialized. Preparations for dripping or spraying on (spot-on preparations) and flea collars contain harmful substances that accumulate in the dog's body and are continuously released in small quantities either into the dog's blood or through the skin and fur.

Most of these chemical antiparasitic agents contain contact poisons such as: B. Fipronil or permethrin, which interrupt the conduction of the parasite's nerve cells and kill them. Other preparations contain e.g. B. the active ingredient lufenuron, which triggers a developmental disorder (gene change) in the parasites. Unfortunately, very few dog owners take time to read the product leaflet. There you will find some side effects and precautionary measures to be taken into account that are unavoidable when using it. In addition, the effectiveness of these chemical preparations is increasingly being questioned due to the increasing resistance of parasites to certain active ingredients.

Please do not forget to:

What is fatal for the annoying and extremely resistant parasites can of course also put a considerable strain on your dog's immune system and be highly allergenic - apart from possible other metabolic risks. Even the idea of ​​our beloved dogs being sprayed or doused with contact poison probably won't be particularly reassuring to you as a dog lover.

Please also think about this:

Using chemical preparations can harm not only your dog, but also you and your children, although most manufacturers report low toxicity (toxicity) to humans and other mammals. In addition, one should be aware in this context that every chemical antiparasitic agent usually has to undergo numerous animal tests before it is brought onto the market - a fact that is difficult to reconcile with the idea of ​​animal protection.

Different modes of action of chemical antiparasitics:

Let's take a closer look at the different types of chemical antiparasitics:

  1. Contact poison without a “knock-down” effect: These are products that use the active ingredient fipronil. These preparations are either applied as spot-on drops on your dog's neck or used as spray preparations. Fipronil penetrates the upper layers of the skin and is distributed to the dog's skin and fur via the sebaceous glands. Upon contact with the parasite, it causes nerve cell disruption, resulting in an uncontrolled response or overexcitation of the parasite's nervous system. This causes the insects and mites to die. However, there are cases where, despite the use of Fipronil, ticks remain active and can transmit infectious diseases.

  2. Contact poison with an additional “knock-down” effect: An example of this type is permethrin. It is an insecticide and acaricide that disrupts the nervous system of the parasites, causing an uncontrolled reaction. Permethrin is applied as a contact poison and can also act as a repellent to ward off ticks and fleas. The “knock-down” effect occurs when the parasites become immobile within a short period of time after contact. However, death comes later. Please note that the effectiveness of this method is increasingly being questioned due to parasite resistance.

  3. Effect via the blood: Another approach is to use chemical substances that are administered via tablets and release small amounts into the dog's blood over a period of time. An example of this is lufenuron. This substance inhibits the parasites' chitin formation, which leads to developmental disorders. Lufenuron is stored in the dog's fatty tissue and continuously released into the blood. Note that this method does not directly defend against the parasites, but rather inhibits their development.

  4. Combination preparations: Some products use a combination of several active ingredients, such as moxidectin or imidacloprid. These are often used to control fleas and internal parasites and do not require further consideration in the context of tick and flea control.

That's a lot of information, but it's good to know how these different approaches work to make the best decision for your dog's health. Remember that there is no 100% guarantee of protection and that the use of chemical agents can also pose risks.

What helps against ticks and fleas? Look at the package insert

Important information about chemical preparations on package inserts

Here are some excerpts from package inserts that specifically point out the precautions and contraindications that need to be taken. Please note that information on side effects and interactions can be found in the instructions for the respective preparation.

  • Avoid touching the treated area within 6 hours. Make sure your pet does not lick the application site. Avoid skin contact with the preparation. Wash your hands thoroughly with water after use.
  • Store the preparation separately from food, drinks and feed. Make sure that permethrin supplements do not come into contact with aquariums, fish tanks or bees as they can be harmful.
  • Do not use the preparation on animals intended for food production.
  • Make sure you apply the product to an area that your animal cannot lick off, and prevent treated animals from licking each other.
  • Avoid intensive wetting and bathing within two days of application. Dogs should not swim in waterways for two days as this can be harmful to aquatic organisms.
  • Do not touch the treated area with your fingers. Children should not play with treated animals until the application site is dry.
  • Do not allow newly treated animals to have close contact with owners, especially children, until the application site is dry.
  • You should not smoke, eat or drink during use.


It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that using the product is safe for your pet and yourself.

In comparison: chemistry or natural ways

Chemical preparations
  • good but not 100% protection
  • Development of resistance to chemical agents is relatively easy
  • Applications every 4-6 weeks, meaning little effort for the owner
  • significant precautions when using
  • Close contact with owner and family not always possible. Side effects from stressful substances
  • Stress on the dog's metabolism through chemical substances, which can lead to problems with the skin, digestive tract and metabolic organs
  • Precautionary measures necessary for dogs, people and the environment
  • Danger to water bodies and organisms living therein
  • Animal testing
  • often worsen the allergy in allergy sufferers
Natural products (e.g. Marengo Limes Spray)
  • of course effective, but not 100% protection
  • Development of resistance to natural active ingredients is generally not possible
  • 1-3 daily applications and usually in combination with other natural care and defense measures such as checking the coat for ticks, avoiding tick-rich areas such as tall grass and bushes or bathing the dog if it is infested with fleas
  • no special precautions when using
  • Close contact with owner and family possible at all times
  • no side effects from stressful substances
  • no strain on the dog's metabolism
  • very good compatibility for dogs, humans and the environment
  • no danger to water bodies and organisms living in them
  • no animal testing
  • also proven for allergy sufferers

When deciding between chemical preparations and natural products, it is important to consider both the protection of your dog and his health, as well as the environmental impact and ethical considerations.

How we approach this with BugBell

The health and well-being of our furry companions is extremely important to us. We therefore devote the greatest care to the topic of “parasites in dogs”. We are proud to offer a holistic solution that not only promotes your dog's health, but also ensures effective protection against parasites.

Our dry food for grooming and protecting against parasites is the result of extensive research and expertise. It is designed to not only meet your dog's nutritional needs, but also to support his protection against parasites. We recognize the importance of prevention and have therefore carefully formulated our product to provide a natural defense against these pesky invaders.


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